Thursday 8 September 2016

Benefits of Social Media

World has faced many changes in Technology and Trends. Trends which change every month or with addition of new technologies. Technology is not dependent but if we talk about IT, most of the changes are in field of communication, how we communicate with each other, how our devices communicate with each other. Nowadays small objects can contact each other like a Toaster or coffee Maker. Though this communication is possible only through microchips but the software part has given them the super power to do more than their potential.

If we talk about social media, the impact can easily be seen, like now we can stream live our video feed, show friends or world what we are doing. A bit of automation can also be seen now as now scheduling our posts is possible and the limit is infinity.

Counting Benefits of Social Media seems outdated now but as the technology has influenced this world too, the benefits also have changed. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of Social Media in 2016:

  • Gain valuable customer insights: Social media generates lot’s of user data per day, say it’s posts created, tweets made or videos uploaded, everyday valuable user data is created. Lone gone are the days when even 1000 shares were considered as worthless.  Now Even a single share counts and can become a trending topic on social media.
    With daily engagement data from social media  you can easily know about your customers, their interests, get feedbacks etc. that can help you take decisions.
  • Ability to use Social accounts as login to websites: Now no need of filling up forms to sign up to any site. Now users can use their social accounts to Sign In/Sign Up  to any website. It is a huge benefit for customers as they need not to spend time in filling a signup forms or remembering passwords.
    Due to security reasons, it is recommended to use different passwords for every account, and use non-dictionary words, include alpha numeric patterns. It is very hard to remember such passwords, especially if you have set them up for multiple accounts.
    For marketers, It is a great source of getting customer insights.
  • Find out what your competitors are doing: Social Media Strategy is something which every business has in their Monthly Todo/Revision list. By monitoring competitor's Social Media activity, you can get an idea of your competitors strategies and drive your strategies according to that.
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