Tuesday 24 May 2016

3 Ways To Improve Social Share Count Organically

After the arrival of social age, there are very few online businesses out there who can survive without harnessing the power of social media. For bloggers who have recently started career, have no option other than learning social media. With Wordpress being one of the most popular content management platform, let’s talk in this article about how you can increase social share count on your Wordpress blog organically, so read on!

1. Publish and share :

The problem with many of the businesses while working on social media is to find the right content to share. Well, I have a solution, start writing yourself. Though it requires a lot of work, but trust me, it’s definitely worth it. Find out interesting topics that your audience is talking about and write an interesting piece of content. Always keep in mind, you are writing for humans not for bots so make sure your content is fresh and offers value. Add interesting visuals like images, videos, inforgraphics, etc to make it look more appealing. Once you are done with that, share it on your social media profiles to get the desired exposure.

2. Use interesting titles :

Always make sure to use interesting titles with your content. The more specific titles you are using, the easier it will be for your readers to understand what the content is all about which ultimately help your readers to decide whether they want to share your content or not. The interesting title of your article will help you to grab your reader's attention more quickly and convince them to read the whole. The title must be interesting, able to create curiosity and should strike chords. You can try with multiple headlines to find out which one performs better.

3. Never forget social share buttons :

Yes, you have written an awesome piece of content with equally interesting title, and shared it across your social profiles too, but is that enough? Don’t you want your readers to share your content within their social networks as well? That’s where Wordpress social share plugin can help you out. It allows your users to share your content within their social networks using a single click of mouse. The easier it is to share, the higher shares your content will get.

Do you have any other tips in mind? Do share with me in the comments below.
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