Tuesday 18 August 2015

5 Signs you are ruining your site on Mobile

Unless you are living under the rock, you must be aware of the latest update made by Google regarding to the importance of a mobile friendly website.  The recent research says that by July 2015, around 33.4% traffic arriving on all the websites worldwide was via mobile phones compared to 17% in 28.9% 2014.  The stats clearly define the significance of having a mobile friendly website for your business.
5 Signs you are ruining your site on Mobile

But still not many businesses are serious about making their website optimized for mobile users. In this article I am going to highlight some common signs that indicate you are ruining your website on mobile devices.

  1. Complicated Navigation :

    Make it easy for your audience to use your website. Optimize your website in order to direct audience to desired places easily. This includes providing your visitors a convenient layout to browse products, make searches or do any other desired action on your website. Make sure to size buttons and place them in such a manner that users can easily tap them. Also add viewport meta tag to improve readability.
  2. The barrier of registration :

    The last thing your users want to do is to fill a long registration form in order to perform certain action on your website. Providing social login will help you to offer your audience a convenient mobile authentication process for your website. Around 73% online users prefer to opt social login rather than email registration, which defines a huge scope for implementing social login on your site. With social media login,  you are able to save multiple thumb gestures and make the whole process quicker. Apart from making the whole process convenient, social sign in also provides you access to reliable user data from their social profiles.

    You can also add social login on your mobile apps. Read here how social login helps app marketers.
  3. Poor Page Loading speed :

    In this hectic era, nobody likes to wait. Does your sites makes users wait a lot before loading completely? Well, the seconds of delay in page loading time is quite equivalent to years in mobile customer attention spans and they start looking for alternatives. Poor site speed is a harming factor that directly affects your search engine rankings. So always keep testing and make your website perform faster. By using Google Page Speed Insights tool, you can test your website speed and get recommendations to improve it.
  4. Pushing too many pop-ups and ads :

    Users arrive on your website with some specific action in their mind and anything that comes in between, is sure to irritate them. Displaying too many pop-ups and ads as soon as the user lands on your website is one of the signs that you are ruining your website for your mobile audience. So make sure to limit the number of ads and pop-ups you show. Also make it easy for user to close them.
  5. Poorly placed call to action buttons :

    Call to action buttons are the most important part of a website. But using poorly designed and wrongly located CTA buttons are doing no good for your business. Some of the mistakes businesses make while designing CTA buttons for mobile site is to make it too small or too closer or using poor contrast. In order to avoid these mistakes, make the CTA buttons big enough to easily being noticed. Also put them on places which are easy to locate. Use the color which grabs user attention.

With Google’s official declaration about the need of making your website mobile friendly, needless to say, it’s need of the hour. So if you are making any of these mistakes, it’s high time you start putting some serious efforts in this direction.

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